Campamento Huápoca affirms our commitment to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate, by obeying His message to us: the Bible. We are convinced that the Bible is the perfect Word of God to man, that it contains no errors and that it will never lead us astray.

We believe that there is only one true God who exists eternally in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that humanity, male and female, was uniquely made to live in harmony and happiness with God. Our first parents, however, chose instead the path of independence and self-determination. As a result, all humans are sinners both by nature and by action. As sinners, we deserve God’s punishment, and there is nothing we can do through religious activity, intellectual achievement, or moral improvement to rescue ourselves from sin.

We believe that God – in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son – was born of a virgin in order that He would live the perfect life required of us and die the death we deserved. His death is, therefore, the full and complete sacrifice necessary to save us from sin. God raised the Son from the dead and exalted Him to His right hand as an affirmation of the work accomplished in salvation.

We believe that Christ will return to earth one day to establish His earthly kingdom. Until then, He has established the Church which is comprised of all people who adhere to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Locally, believers in Christ join together to form churches. Each church exists to help believers grow to maturity in Christ and to bring the good news of Christ to their world.

We believe that Christ established two memorials in the church: Baptism and the Lord’s Table.